AMS 4001 1100T0
Sheet and Plate - QQ-A-250/1F T0
AMS 4003 1100H14
Sheet and Plate - QQ-A-250/1 H14
AMS 4004 5052
Strain Hardened Foil
AMS 4006 3003T0
Sheet and Plate - QQ-A-250/2 T0
AMS 4008 3003H14
Sheet and Plate - QQ-A-250/2 H14
AMS 4009 6061T0
AMS 4011 1145T0
Foil and Light Gage Sheet
AMS 4015 5052T0
Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/8 T0
AMS 4016 5052H32
Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/8 H32
AMS 4017 5052H34
Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/8 H34
AMS 4021 6061T0
Alclad Sheet and Plate
AMS 4025 6061T0
Sheet and Plate
AMS 4026 6061T4
Sheet and T451 Plate QQ-A-250/11 T4 / T451
AMS 4027 6061T6
Sheet and T651 Plate QQ-A-250/11T6 / T651
AMS 4028
2014 T0
Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/3 T0
AMS 4029
2014 T651 Sheet and Plate stock
AMS 4031 2219T0
Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/30 T0
AMS 4033
2024T351 Superseded by AMS 4037
AMS 4034
2024T351 Superseded by AMS 4041
AMS 4035 2024T0
Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/4 T0
AMS 4036 2024T3
Sheet and T351 Plate Alclad one side
AMS 4037 2024T3
Sheet and T351 Plate QQ-A-250/4E
AMS 4038
7075T651 Superseded by AMS 4045
AMS 4039
7075T651 Superseded by AMS 4049
AMS 4040 2024T0
Alclad Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/5 T0
AMS 4041 2024T3
Alclad Sheet and T351 Plate QQ-A-250/5 T3 / T351
AMS 4044 7075T0
Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/12
AMS 4045 7075T6
Sheet and T651 Plate QQ-A-250/12E T6 / T659 ASTM B209
AMS 4046 7075T6
Alclad one side Sheet and T651 Plate QQ-A-250/18F T6 / T651
AMS 4048 7075T0
Alclad Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/13 T0 ASTM B209
AMS 4049 7075T6
Alclad Sheet and T651 Plate QQ-A-250/13 T3 / T651
AMS 4050
7050T7451 Plate
AMS 4051 7178T0
Alclad Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/15 T0
4053 6061
AMS 4056 5083T0
Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/6 T0
AMS 4062 1100H14
Tube Drawn Seamless WW-T-700/1 H14
AMS 4066
2219T851 Tube Drawn Seamless
AMS 4067 3003H14
Tube Drawn Seamless WW-T-700/2 H14
AMS 4068
2219T351 Tube Drawn Seamless
AMS 4069 5052T0
Tube Drawn Seamless Close Tolerance WW-T-700/4 T0
AMS 4070 5052T0
Tube Drawn Seamless WW-T-700/4 T0
AMS 4071 5052T0
Tube Drawn Seamless Hydraulic WW-T-700/4 T0
AMS 4077 2024T0
Alclad Sheet and Plate ASTM B209
AMS 4078
7075T351 Plate QQ-A-250/12
AMS 4079 6061T0
Tube Drawn Seamless Close Tolerance WW-T-700/6
AMS 4080 6061T0
Tube Drawn Seamless WW-T-700/6
AMS 4081 6061T4
Tube Drawn Seamless Hydraulic MIL-T-7081
AMS 4082 6061T6
Tube Drawn Seamless WW-T-700/6 T6
AMS 4083 6061T6
Tube Drawn Seamless Hydraulic MIL-T-7081
AMS 4084 7475T61
AMS 4085
7475T761 Sheet
AMS 4086 2024T3
Tube Drawn Seamless Hydraulic
AMS 4087 2024T0
Tube Drawn Seamless WW-T-700/3 T0
AMS 4088 2024T3
Tube Drawn Seamless WW-T-700/3 T3
AMS 4089
7475T7651 Plate
AMS 4090
7475T651 Plate
AMS 4091
Superseded by AMS 4081
AMS 4092
Superseded by AMS 4082
AMS 4093
Superseded by AMS 4083
AMS 4094
2219T81Sheet T851 Plate Alclad
AMS 4095 2219T31
Sheet T351 Plate Alclad
AMS 4096 2219T0
Alclad Sheet and Plate
AMS 4100
7475T761 Alclad Sheet
AMS 4101
2124T851 Plate QQ-A-250/29 T851
AMS 4102 1100-F
Bar, Rod and Wire Cold Finish QQ-A-225/1 Temper F
AMS 4107 7050T74
Die Forgings
AMS 4108
7050T7452 Die Forgings
AMS 4109
7175T735 Superseded by AMS 4149
AMS 4110
2017T451 Superceded by AMS4118
AMS 4111 7049T73
Forgings QQ-A-367 Alloy 7049 T73
AMS 4112 2024T6
Superseded by AMS 4339 QQ-A-225/6 T6
AMS 4113 6061T6
Extruded Shapes QQ-A-200/16 T6
AMS 4114 5052TF
Bars and Rods Rolled or Cold Finish
AMS 4115 6061T0
Bars, Rod and Wire Rolled or Cold Finish QQ-A-225/8 T0
AMS 4116 6061T4
Bars, Rod and Wire Rolled or Cold Finish QQ-A-225/8 T4
AMS 4117
6061T6-T651 Bars, Rod and Wire Rolled or Cold Finish QQ-A-225/8 T6/T651
AMS 4118
2017T4-T451 Bars, Rod and Wire Rolled or Cold Finish QQ-A-225/5 T4/T451
AMS 4119
2024T351 Superseded by AMS4120
AMS 4120
2024T4-T351 Bars, Rod and Wire Rolled or Cold Finish QQ-A-225/6 T4/T351
AMS 4121 2014T6
Bars, Rod and Wire Rolled or Cold Finish QQ-A-225/4D T6
4122 7075T6 Rod, Bar, and Wire Rolled or Cold Finished QQ-A-225/9 T6
4123 7075T651 Bar and Rod Rolled or Cold Finished
4124 7075T7351 Bar, Rods and Wire Rolled, Drawn or Cold Finish
AMS 4125 6151T6
Die Forgings Rolled and Forged Rings QQ-A-367 MIL-A-22771
AMS 4126 7075T6
Forgings QQ-A-367 Alloy 7075T6 MIL-A-22771
AMS 4127 6061T6
Forgings Rolled or Forged QQ-A-367H T6
AMS 4128
6061T451 Bars Rolled or Forged QQ-A-225/8 T451
AMS 4129
6061T651 Superseded by AMS 4117
AMS 4130 2025T6
Die Forgings QQ-A-367
AMS 4131 7075T74
Forgings MIL-A-22771
AMS 4132 2618T61
Die and Hand Forgings
AMS 4133 2014T6
Forgings QQ-A-367 MIL-A-21180
AMS 4134 2014T4
Die Forgings QQ-A-367 2014 T4
AMS 4135 2104T6
Superseded by AMS 4133
AMS 4138 7079T6
Forgings Non-current
AMS 4139 7075T6
Forgings Non-current
AMS 4140 2018T61
Die Forgings QQ-A-367
AMS 4141 7075T73
Die Forgings QQ-A-367
AMS 4143 2219T6
Forgings MIL-A-22771 2219T6
AMS 4144
2219T852/T851 Hand Forgings QQ-A-367 MIL-A-22771
AMS 4145 4032T6
Forgings QQ-A-367 4032T6
AMS 4146 6061T4
Forgings QQ-A-367
AMS 4147
7075T7352 Forgings QQ-A-367 MIL-A-22771
AMS 4148 7175T6
Die Forgings
AMS 4149 7175T74
Forgings MIL-A-22771 7175T74
AMS 4150 6061T6
Extrusions and Rings
AMS 4152 2024T3
Extrusions QQ-A-200/3 T3
AMS 4153 2014T6
Extrusions QQ-A-200/2 T6
4154 7075T6 Extrusions QQ-A-200/11 T6
AMS 4155 6062T6
Superseded by AMS 4150
AMS 4156 6063T6
Extrusions QQ-A-200/9
AMS 4157
7049T73511 Extrusions
AMS 4159
7049T76511 Extrusions
AMS 4160 6061T0
Extrusion ASTM B221
AMS 4161 6061T4
Extrusion ASTM B221
AMS 4162
2219T8511 Extrusion ASTM B221
AMS 4163
2219T3511 Extrusion
AMS 4164
2024T3510 Extrusion QQ-A-200/3 T3510
AMS 4165
2024T3511 Extrusion QQ-A-200/3 T3511
AMS 4166 7075T73
Extrusion QQ-A-200/11 T73
4167 7075T73511 Extrusions QQ-A-200/11 T73511
4168 7075T6511 Extrusions Unstraightened QQ-A-200/11 T6510
4169 7075T6511 Extrusions Straightened QQ-A-200/11 T6511
AMS 4172
6061T4511 Extrusion ASTM B221
AMS 4173
6061T6511 Extrusion QQ-A-200/8F T6511
AMS 4174 7075T73
Flash Welded Rings
AMS 4175 5052
Honeycomb Core Use AMS 4348
AMS 4179
7175T7452 Forgings MIL-A-2271 7175T7452
AMS 4180 1100H18
Wire MIL-W-6712 Type II
AMS 4181 4008
Welding Wire AWS A5.10 Class R-A356.0
AMS 4182 5056T0
Wire QQ-A-430 5056T0
AMS 4184 4145
Filler Metal Aluminium Brazing QQ-B-655 Class FS-BA1 Si3
AMS 4185 4047
Filler Metal Aluminium Brazing QQ-B-655 Class FS-BA1 Si4
AMS 4186 7075F
Bar, Rod, Wire Rolled or Cold Finish
AMS 4187 7075T0
Bar, Rod, Wire Rolled or Cold Finish QQ-A-225/9 T0
AMS 4189 4643
Welding Wire AWS 5.10. ER4643
AMS 4190 4043
Welding Wire AWS 5.10. ER4043
AMS 4191 2319
Welding Wire AWS 5.10. ER2319
AMS 4193
2024T861 Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/4 T861
AMS 4194
2024T361 Alclad Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/5 T361
AMS 4195
2024T861 Alclad Sheet and Plate QQ-A-250/5 T861
AMS 4200
7049T7351 Plate
AMS 4201
7050T7651 Plate MIL-C-7438
AMS 4202
7475T7351 Plate
AMS 4203
7010T7351 Plate
AMS 4204
7010T7651 Plate
AMS 4205
7010T3651/T7451 Plate
AMS 4207 7475T61
Sheet Alclad
AMS 4208 2004F
AMS 4209 2004F
Sheet Alclad
AMS 4216 6013T6
AMS 4221
2124T8151 Plate
AMS 4232 2090T86
AMS 4243 7050T76
Sheet Alclad
AMS 4251 2090T83
AMS 4252
7150 T7751 Plate stock
AMS 4255 No.21
Brazing Sheet
AMS 4256 No.22
Brazing Sheet
AMS 4259 8090T6
AMS 4270 2024T3
Sheet Alclad
AMS 4303 2090T81
AMS 4306
7150T6151 Plate
AMS 4307
7150T61511 Extrusion
AMS 4308
8009H112 Sheet
AMS 4309
8009H112 Extrusion
AMS 4318 4032T86
Bar and Rod Rolled or Cold Finish
AMS 4319
4032T651 Bar and Rod Rolled or Cold Finish
AMS 4339
2024T851 Bar and Rod Rolled or Cold Finish QQ-A-225/6 T851
AMS 4340
7050T76511 Extrusion
AMS 4341
7050T73511 Extrusion
AMS 4342
7050T74511 Extrusion
AMS 4343
7149T73511 Extrusion
AMS 4344
7175T73511 Extrusion
AMS 4345
7150T77511 Extrusion
AMS 4347 6013T4
AMS 4348 5052
Core Honeycomb
AMS 4349 5056
Core Honeycomb
4613 2219 T87 QQ-A-250/30 Plate stock